Titus' Beer Coozies

Note: I do not sell or take orders for these coozies.
Pattern and designs are free to use, but it would be great if you linked back to this page on ravelry, or sent me pictures.

Pattern Features

  • Fits cans, bottles and pint glasses
  • Knit base to act as a coaster
  • Ridge along base to reduce likelihood of tipping over
  • Knit in the round and seamless
  • No need for buttons

Pattern Design

The coozies are knit in a single color, and if you want to add a design, you can do so after completing using Duplicate Stitch. Since we want to fit multiple beverage vessels, the top is done with simple stockinette to make it easy to roll down to fit the correct height. The pattern also tapers slightly to keep the opening large enough to easily fit the coozie around the drink, and the bottom tight enough to keep from having too much loose fabric.

The actual knitting pattern varies slightly based on the design, so the first step is to figure out the pattern of the logo. An ideal pattern would be approximately 16 stitches wide and 26 stitches tall, but I've done coozies as large as 32 by 34.

I use worsted weight yarn. My favorite is Berroco Comfort, a soft, washable nylon/acrylic blend. I use size 5 needles to get a gauge of 5x8 stitches per inch. Similar to most sock patterns, this is worked top-down and knit in the round.

Pattern Stitches

  • CO 40 st
  • K 10 rows
  • K2tog, K19, K2tog, K19
  • K 30** rows
  • K2tog, K18, K2tog, K18
  • K 12 rows
  • Reverse direction and work along the row you just finished knitting, but on the purl side
  • Grab the stitch 8 rows up and place it on the working needle, then p2tog; Repeat to end of row.
  • Reverse direction again to work back along the knit side with a circular decrease: K2tog, K5, repeat until 14 stitches remain.
  • Cut the yarn, and using a tapestry needle run the yarn through the remaining stitches
  • Reverse direction and run the yarn back through those stitches
  • Pull yarn tight (so no hole in the middle) and work in loose ends.

**Note- Your logo is duplicate stitched in the center of these rows, so if your design is over 28 stitches, increase this section accordingly